The Power of Difference

The Power of Difference

In this blog by Momentum COO Ruth Baars, she relates, “Over this past decade, and our intensive work in partnership, I’ve discovered that there is so much to gain from coming together with those who think differently and there is much to lose from being comfortable with the like-minded. The Jewish people are a kaleidoscope of differences and these differences can be used to collectively shape and strengthen our Jewish future.”

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Telling Your Story: A multilane highway

Telling Your Story: A multilane highway

In this blog post by Amanda Mizrahi, she uses the motif of a multi-lane highway to describe the differing and changing needs of donors, end users, community members, colleagues and potential partners, and how they interact with information that an organization shares. “They need different ramps to get on or off of your highway, rest stops and safe shoulders, fast and slow lanes and definitely lots of appropriate signage to help them make good choices along the way,” she states. “Whether it is in the boardroom, on your website, or at the point of service, each individual needs to have access to the right sets of information at the right times to ensure their journey is comfortable and gets them where they want to go.”

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Looking Through a Multidimensional Philanthropic Lens

Looking Through a Multidimensional Philanthropic Lens

After 21 years at The AVI CHAI Foundation, I am excited to begin the next stage of my career as the Mayberg Foundation Senior Advisor for Education Grants and Programs. It’s wonderful to be able to bring my experience to a new milieu, while at the same time have the opportunity to learn from and about different philanthropic models. After only a few weeks, I can already point to noteworthy variations in approaches.

Both AVI CHAI and the Mayberg Foundation believe that Jewish literacy is key to sustaining the next generation of Jews. It’s no surprise then that both foundations view Jewish day schools as an essential vehicle for imparting deep Jewish knowledge. Each focuses on acting as an agitating force for the improvement of the instruction of Jewish studies. Additionally, the Mayberg Foundation and AVI CHAI both demonstrate a respect for Jewish unity and Jews across the spectrum. It’s striking that despite these similarities in funding priorities, there are numerous differences in philanthropic practices:

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