Mayberg Foundation Executive Director Todd Sukol Featured on AEPi’s National Panel Discussion on Philanthropy Post Coronavirus

Listen to this discussion on the future of nonprofits and the world's charitable sector post Coronavirus.

AEPi's Center for Career & Professional Development sponsored a virtual panel discussion, “Nonprofits and Coronavirus: This Too Shall Pass,” on April 23, 2020. Todd J. Sukol, Mayberg Foundation Executive Director, participated as one of three featured panelists, all representing different perspectives on the nonprofit/philanthropic sector.

Moderated by AEPi Foundation Managing Director Jay Feldman, this discussion explored what's next and what can be done to ensure the longevity of nonprofits and the world’s charitable sector.

A veteran nonprofit executive and student of the field of philanthropy, Sukol brought perspective based on his current role at the Mayberg Foundation and his work as a philanthropic advisor to individuals and foundations.

The other featured panelists included Michael Morris, trustee of The Marcus Foundation and publisher of Atlanta Jewish Times and Keith Dvorchick, CEO of the Roth Family JCC of Greater Orlando and Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando Executive Director.